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Surface Water


Surface water quality around Dublin Airport is monitored on an ongoing basis. daa undertakes extensive biological and chemical monitoring of the surrounding watercourses to detect pollution related to airport activities. 7 surface water bodies run through Dublin Airport, these ultimately flow into protected areas:


An online, continuous water quality analyser monitors the quality of the Cuckoo Stream to facilitate a rapid response to any deterioration in water quality. We aim to minimise chemical spillages from aircraft operations through engagement with daa staff and third-party operators, education and awareness.

We also operate and maintain an extensive network of pre-treatment infrastructure such as fuel interceptors to capture contaminants in the event of a spill.

Technical Working Group (TWG)

In 2023 a Technical Working Group comprising representatives from daa and agencies including the local authority, Inland Fisheries Ireland, EPA, and LAWPRO was formed, led by engineering consultants Nicholas O’Dwyer. The purpose of the TWG is for all stakeholders to review and provide comment on daa’s surface water monitoring data, targets, measures and performance criteria from each waterbody impacted by airport operations.

The first TWG Annual Review Meeting was held on 17/05/2023. Please see the following downloads for further information:

Link will open in a new window DMaP Annex 1 PDF 100 KB Link will open in a new window DMaP Annex 2 PDF 70 KB Link will open in a new window Drainage Management Plan 2023 PDF 186 KB Link will open in a new window TWG Action minutes PDF 173 KB

North Runway Condition 21

As part of daa’s compliance with North Runway Condition 21, please see below our surface water monitoring results.

Link will open in a new window daa North Runway Surface Water Results PDF 657 KB