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Frequently Asked Questions

Airport Security Frequently Asked Questions

  • Security in T1 opens at 03:00hrs and remains open until the last departing flight.
  • Security in T2 opens at 03.30hrs and remains open until the last departing flight.
  • We advise passengers to arrive at their terminal 2 hours before departure time for short-haul flights, and 3 hours before long-haul flights.
  • If you are checking bags or travelling in a group you should allow more time. Always consult your airline for check-in in desk and bag drop opening hours.
  • Security Queue Times can be viewed by clicking here.
  • You can also view check-in times by airline and by terminal below.



You can view Security Queue Times on our website by clicking here or on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger and via the Dublin Airport App.

The security queue times displayed are not fully real-time, they represent the median queue time that it took passengers to complete the Security screening process in the previous 15 minutes. This means individual passengers can experience queue times that can be either longer or shorter than the time displayed. However, showing this median time can give an indication of the queue time that passengers can expect.

In Terminal 1, the queue time shown covers the Security queue within the departures floor. However, if the queue goes outside of the Terminal, this queue time is not captured.

In Terminal 2, the queue time shown is measured from the top of the escalators on the Level 2, i.e. it covers queuing across that area.  However, if the queue goes beyond this point, that part of the queue time is not captured.
In general, you can bring small items that are 6cm or less in your hand luggage. Examples are small nail scissors, small nail clippers or pins. Knitting needles are ok too, even if longer than 6cm. No scissors/blades are allowed for US bound flights.
  • Check which terminal you're departing from.
  • We advise passengers to arrive at their terminal 2 hours before their scheduled departure time for short-haul flights, and 3 hours before long-haul flights.
  • If you are checking bags or travelling in a group you should allow more time. Always consult your airline for check-in in desk and bag drop opening hours.
  • Security in T1 is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 
  • Security in T2 opens at 04.00, so people flying from T2 should factor this in. 


If checking a bag, verify your airline’s check-in & bag drop desk opening times, and if possible, allow up to one hour of additional time to check-in luggage. You can also view check-in times by airline and by Terminal below. 



  • Ideally only 1 piece of hand baggage per person. Check with your airline for their cabin hand baggage allowance.
  • Separate out liquids, gels, and pastes from your hand baggage into one single, clear re-sealable one-litre plastic bag, with each container no bigger than 100ml.
  • No sharp objects and have all electronic devices out and in the tray, along with coins and jewellery. If you need to remove jewellery, please put it in your bag.
  • Place laptops and electronics in a separate tray.
  • Any oversized garments, which may conceal additional items or the outline of your person, will have to be removed for Security screening. Please remove the top, be it an over-sized hoodie, jumper, jacket or sweater and place in the tray for screening.
  • Any shoes, runners or boots that are at ankle height or higher, such as runner boots or sock boots, will have to be removed, to place in the tray for Security screening. 
  • More information including a video on how to prepare for security is available here.
  • Water and other drinks, soups, syrups
  • Pastes, including toothpaste, butter, margarines, jams. Anything over 100ml is not allowed through screening. 
  • Creams, lotions and oils, including lip balm and moisturiser
  • Perfumes
  • Make-up, including lipsticks and mascaras
  • Sprays, including sun-tan lotion
  • Gels, including hair and shower gels
  • Contents of pressurised containers, including: shaving foam, other foams and deodorants
  • Liquid-solid mixtures
  • Any other item of a similar consistency
Always check in any liquid over 100ml and if you're unsure whether an item will be allowed through, please always check it in with your hold luggage.
Yes, even water that is in a container over 100ml is not permitted through security.

Yes, passengers are allowed to bring essential medication and dietary requirements in liquid form of + 100ml.  A doctor's letter or prescription may be required to certify it is an essential item. Additional screening may be required, so please present the items to the Security Officer and ask their guidance. 

100 ml is 3.4 in fluid ounces.

  • Yes, baby food or food for people on special diets is allowed, as are medicines. 
  • Passengers are allowed to bring these items through the screening points in the quantities needed during their trip and should ask for the red tray where these items can be placed separately from hand baggage and other liquids, gels or pastes at Security screening. 
  • Passengers may be required to demonstrate that what they are carrying is for genuine purposes, such as a medical/doctor/physician’s note. 
Normal food stuffs, such as crisps and chocolate, are fine to bring in your hand baggage. Packs or tubs of butter and margarine are not allowed as they are considered a paste.
Only liquids in containers of 100ml capacity or less, fitting comfortably into a one litre transparent plastic bag (approximately 20cm x 20cm) when fully closed, are permitted. This transparent bag, with containers of 100ml should then be presented at the passenger security screening area.
Yes. The bag must be transparent, re-sealable, and a maximum of one litre in capacity in size (approximately 20cm x 20cm.)
The EU aviation security regulations allow some exemptions to the restrictions. These include essential medicines and dietary requirements in liquid form, for example baby-food or food for people on special diets. Passengers are allowed to bring these items to the screening points in the quantities that they need during their trip. However, as a safeguard, additional screening may be required. 

Yes, you can still buy liquids and other substances covered by the regulations, in containers of any size, after the security screening point and on board European airline flights. Liquids and gels purchased after the security screening point or on board your flight will be packed and sealed for you in a tamper-evident bag as necessary by the shop or cabin personnel.

The restriction applies to all flights departing from EU airports, regardless of final destination.

If the first flight begins at an airport in the EU and items have been purchased beyond the passenger security points, these liquids will be placed in a tamper-evident bag and therefore will conform to EU regulations. Therefore passengers can take these liquids on-board their connecting flight, as long as the items are still packed in tamper-evident bags.

If the first flight originates in a country outside the EU the items will not conform to the new regulations, as they will not have been placed in tamper-evident bags. Transferring passengers will then be subject to these new EU security regulations when they transfer through an EU airport.

Contact lens solution should be packed into checked in luggage. If you must carry lens solution in your hand luggage it should be in a container, no more than 100ml and presented in a one litre transparent bag at the passenger security screening point.
Yes, provided these items are in containers not more than 100ml and presented in a one litre transparent bag separately at the passenger security screening point. If these items are not essential for use during your flight we strongly recommend that you pack them into your checked in luggage.
Yes you can. These products will be packed and sealed for you in a tamper-evident bag as necessary by the shop personnel.
Under EU aviation security regulations containers of over 100ml cannot be taken through the passenger security screening area and must be surrendered.
No, this is an EU Regulation (EC NO 1546/2006) adopted by the European Commission responsible for Aviation Security. These rules have come into effect at all EU member state airports.
Yes, sharps bins are located at Security Screening, please inform a security officer should you need to use them. 
If you have a diabetes-specific medical device, please inform the security officer prior to screening. While our body scanners do not use x-rays, instead, they operate using micro-millimetre waves which are safe and non-invasive. Please check the guidelines of your medical device as some of the more recent devices may not be exposed to micro-millimetre waves. Please let our security officer know if you need them to be aware of any pain (i.e. surgery) or medical equipment to ensure extra care is taken. Alternatively, passengers can request to opt out of going through the C3 Scanners, which will be conducted in a separate private area, If you have a wheelchair, or other medical equipment, this will be subjected to search, via, x-ray, hand search or ETD, this is standard procedure. 

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