By Taxi
Passengers arriving by taxi will be dropped off on the forecourt directly outside either Terminal 1 or Terminal 2.
Passengers should follow taxi signage from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 to the taxi ranks outside both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. A taxi dispatcher is available at both taxi ranks if you require any further information or assistance.
Taxi passenger entitlements

As a passenger in a taxi you are entitled to:
- Engage a taxi for journeys up to 30km.
- Have all fares calculated on the taxi meter.
- A receipt printed by the taximeter.
- A clean vehicle and a pleasant journey.
Display of fare information
All licensed taxis are obliged to display passenger information including rights and responsibilities and fare information, which will be supplied by the Commission for Taxi Regulation, in the front and back of the vehicle.
All licensed taxi drivers must display their driver identification card in clear view of the customer.
All licensed taxis utilize typical taximeters as their charging system, with various variables further affecting final prices. The majority of a fare is generated through the following formula: Monday - Saturday; €3.80 initial charge and €1.14/km or €0.40/minute. Please note a premium rate applies between 20:00h and 08:00h Monday-Saturday and all day Sunday and on bank holidays. Extra charges may apply for additional passengers.
Taxi fare complaints
In the event of a dispute about a fare, driver conduct, condition or cleanliness of a vehicle, a customer should pay the fare displayed on the meter including extras, ensure they get a printed receipt and proceed to make a formal complaint which will be investigated by the Commission for Taxi Regulation as appropriate.
If you wish to make a formal complaint, please request a complaint form by ringing the National Transport Authority Information line on + 353 76 1064000. For more information please click here.